Thursday, February 28, 2013

iPad Stand For Your Bathroom

OK, when I read and saw this in The Week, I was both envious and disgusted at the same time. It is an iPad stand for your bathroom, complete with a paper roll holder!

One part of me is saying "Oh my god, this is brilliant!" Instead of reading magazines, etc., I can now read whatever books/magazine I've downloaded, or even surf the web while I'm doing my business.

The other part of me thought it was repulsive, and even during such private moments, I will still be tethered to the rest of the world. Not only that, if you bring an iPad into your bathroom, you'd better make sure you wipe it clean before you take it out! I'm not a germaphobe, but ewwwwww!

I suppose this is no different than people who are already bringing their smartphones into bathrooms (especially at work and at shopping malls).

And oh, while you're at it (no, not while you're doing THAT!), don't miss this iPotty, also from the same company. You can potty train your child while he/she gets to play with an iPad.

 OK, after all this, I need to go wash my hands.


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