Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Shoplifters Got Robbed While Shiplifting At Grocery Store

Some time there is justice in this world after all, and certainly to these two losers.

Security personnel were in the process of questioning Korin Vanhouten, 47, and Eldon Alexander, 36, at an Ogden, Utah WinCo supermarket, accused of stealing makeup, energy bars and batteries. At the end of the interrogation, they left with a citation for attempted shoplifting.

However, they soon stumbled on to the scene of a successful carlifting, with the awkward discovery that while they were in the WinCo, someone--or several someones--had broken into their car.

I've always wanted to know how these perpetrators feel to be on the receiving end of the same deeds they do on others. Like pickpocketers being pickpocketed, a burglar's house got broken in, and worse still, a drunk driver having a loved family member killed by another drunk driver.
