Monday, July 12, 2010

Fate of Paul, the Psychic Octopus

Now that the World Cup is over and he had done so well, the owner of Paul, the psychic octopus is pondering what else that creature can do.

Sea Life, which operates 32 aquariums across Europe, said it hoped to make an announcement on Tuesday about Paul's future. However spokesman Mark Oakley stressed that the mystic mollusc would certainly be staying in his tank in Germany.

"We've been inundated with offers -- from a betting conglomerate that wants to use him to predict sporting events to a Japanese fortune telling company that wants to use his image on the sides of booths," Oakley told CNN. "There have also been many offers from media worldwide for Paul's lifestory.

I'm surprised the owner hasn't asked it to pick a lottery number. Or maybe he has, and the octopus didn't do well? Maybe he's only good at sports betting.

Grilled octopus with a squeeze of lemon is delicious, by the way....


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Prince is Obsolete

The artist Prince, was the artist formally known as Prince (or as Rosie O'Donnell fondly called, much to his chagrin, TAFKAP), and now is back to Prince, thinks that internet music is 'dead'.

Prince is currently set to release his latest album, “20Ten,” for free through various European print media, including the Daily Mirror and its Scottish affiliate, the Daily Record. Fans can snag their copy this Saturday via the different press outlets, but you they certainly won’t find any of the new material online.

Prince has banned both YouTube and iTunes from using his music, calling the web obsolete.

“The Internet's like MTV,” he told the mirror. “At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you."

Anyone else caught the irony there? Filling your heads with numbers can't be that good for you, yet he called his latest album "20Ten"? What are those, oh honorable Prince? And his albums are going to be released on .... wait for it ..... CDs, which are encoded in digital bits!

You're right, Prince. Your music can't be that good for me.
