Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another Dumb "Religious" Cleric

Ah, this shows that stupidity knows no religious boundary.

Just so he could outdo Pat Robertson's stupid remarks on the Haiti earthquake, a cleric in Iran (a country that is already well-known for having leaders that don't care that they make stupid statements) is blaming earthquakes in Iran on, get this, "... women and girls who don't dress appropriately ... "

"When promiscuity spreads, earthquakes increase," he says in a video posted Monday on YouTube, apparently of him leading Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, last week.

"There is no way other than taking refuge in religion and adapting ourselves to Islamic behavior," he adds in the video.

You can go find the video yourself. I will need a lobotomy to view any more of such filth.

It is hard to understand these things when you look back at the Dark Ages and realize that there are some people who are still stuck there. And it isn't about these dumb morons, really. It is the people who actually follow them and bought lock, stock, and barrel of the garbage that they are spewing. If these are the people they wish to follow and obey, then they deserve what they get. It is difficult to save people from themselves.


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