Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Joy of Re-gifting

Some of my friends think that I'm a bit odd whenever I bring a gift to them. I always tend to say something like "Now, if you already have this, or don't have any need for it, you are more than welcome to give this to someone who might want it, or to sell it on ebay."

I always say that because, while I certainly would love it if what I got for them is something they truly want, I do not want them to keep something simply because they feel obligated to keep it because it was a gift. I've seen way too many instances where something is kept simply because it was a gift from someone and the person simply does not want to "offend" that person by either giving it away, selling it, or simply donating or throwing it out, all the while the object is collecting dust and occupying storage space. I would feel horrible if someone receives something he/she doesn't have quite the use for it, or don't find it to his/her liking, but somehow feel obligated to continuing keeping it. That's why I always say such a thing. I hope that the person appreciate the thought and effort in the gift, but should feel free to pass it on to someone if he/she has no desire to keep it. I would not be offended at all!

This issue came up because a couple of nights ago, I had a conversation with a friend. She felt horrified (and maybe slightly offended) that the candies she got for me were being "shared" by my co-workers at work. I told her that I brought the candies to work and put it in my candy jar. While I do sample the candies now and then, I also share it freely with everyone at work. Somehow, she wasn't too pleased with that information. I think she wanted me to "cherish" it and enjoy it, because she went out of her way to get those for me.

While I certainly didn't mind receiving the candies, I also don't see how I was expected to eat every single piece of it whether I like them or not. Besides having no desire to consume that much candy in the first place (think of all the calories!), I also did not realize that such gifts come with an implicit obligation. At what point does the gift becomes mine, and I can do whatever I please with it? If I wish to share it with other people, shouldn't I be allowed to do that? After all, those candies WERE mine!

So I am one of those who truly believe in re-gifting. If you receive something, and it isn't quite what you want, or what you can use, then I find nothing wrong in giving it to someone who you think might appreciate it more. Of course, it is bad form and etiquette to re-gift something to the person who originally gave it to you. Even *I* don't do that. But other than that, I think this is a perfectly acceptable practice, and it is a prime example of recycling. Not only are you not wasting something, but you also save money!


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