Thursday, July 19, 2018

Religious Liberty and Equality in the US

File this under "Be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it."

With people fighting to get the so-called "religious liberty" and the ability to discriminate by using their religious freedom as an excuse, along comes the Satanic Church that will demand their equal rights and freedom. Let's just see to what extent those who fought for religious liberty are willing to tolerate another religious wanting the same thing that they have.

In my book, these religious liberty is simply a smoke screen used as an excuse to exercise their bigotry, homophobia, and intolerance. After all, there are many other activity that are contrary to their religious beliefs that they tolerate. Anyone checking if those straight, heterosexual couple getting married have already had pre-marital sex with one another? Last time I checked, Christianity prohibits such a thing, yet no one seemed to have a problem baking a cake for those weddings.
