Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pets Listen Better Than Husbands

A survey of pet-owning married women reveals a very hilarious revelation. A third of them says that their pets listen to them better than their husbands! But this also works the other way, although not as much. 18% of married men say that their pets listen to them better than their wives!

A third of pet-owning married women said their pets are better listeners than their husbands, according to an Associated poll released Wednesday. Eighteen percent of pet-owning married men said their pets are better listeners than their wives.

Now, when do we get to do a comparison with pet rocks?


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sushi Restaurant Tuna Has Highest Mercury Level

This is depressing.

It appears that the bluefin tuna that is very sought-after for sushi also has the highest mercury level, when compared to cheaper supermarket tuna.

The team found that restaurants sold tuna sushi with higher levels of mercury than supermarkets. Bigeye tuna or lean bluefin tuna, which are more common in restaurants, had concentrations that approached or overshot by about 4% the FDA limit— of 1.0 parts per million. The study gives another reason to avoid eating bluefin, which is a threatened species, Gochfeld says. Regulatory agencies should specifically mention bluefin and bigeye tuna in mercury advisories, he says.

Yellowfin tuna, a cheaper and more plentiful species found in supermarket sushi, contained less mercury. Yet samples from all species exceeded the daily EPA limits (more conservative than those of FDA, which also incorporates the nutritional benefits of fish) and the concentrations permitted by Japan’s health ministry. What’s more, measures of mercury concentration in bigeye and yellowfin tuna samples surpassed previous FDA estimates.


I've consciously limited my consumption of "big fish", going for smaller tilapia and the likes. Still, I love sushi, especially tuna, even though I know these fish are under distress from over fishing. So I try to limit tuna consumption. Now this.

Maybe I just won't have tuna sushi as often anymore.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another Dumb "Religious" Cleric

Ah, this shows that stupidity knows no religious boundary.

Just so he could outdo Pat Robertson's stupid remarks on the Haiti earthquake, a cleric in Iran (a country that is already well-known for having leaders that don't care that they make stupid statements) is blaming earthquakes in Iran on, get this, "... women and girls who don't dress appropriately ... "

"When promiscuity spreads, earthquakes increase," he says in a video posted Monday on YouTube, apparently of him leading Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, last week.

"There is no way other than taking refuge in religion and adapting ourselves to Islamic behavior," he adds in the video.

You can go find the video yourself. I will need a lobotomy to view any more of such filth.

It is hard to understand these things when you look back at the Dark Ages and realize that there are some people who are still stuck there. And it isn't about these dumb morons, really. It is the people who actually follow them and bought lock, stock, and barrel of the garbage that they are spewing. If these are the people they wish to follow and obey, then they deserve what they get. It is difficult to save people from themselves.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Brain Games Don't Make You Smarter

There goes your excuse for playing more of those "intelligent" games. It turns out that you might as well be playing Super Mario Brothers, because those brain games that challenge your cognitive skills do not make you any smarter.

Researchers recruited participants from viewers of the BBC's science show "Bang Goes the Theory." More than 8,600 people aged 18 to 60 were asked to play online brain games designed by the researchers to improve their memory, reasoning and other skills for at least 10 minutes a day, three times a week.

They were compared to more than 2,700 people who didn't play any brain games, but spent a similar amount of time surfing the Internet and answering general knowledge questions. All participants were given a sort of I.Q. test before and after the experiment.

Researchers said the people who did the brain training didn't do any better on the test after six weeks than people who had simply been on the Internet. On some sections of the test, the people who surfed the Net scored higher than those playing the games.

So I'll just go back to my silly games.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Blackberry Users More Likely To Defect

An interesting survey of mobile phone users.

Conducted by the online market researchers Crowd Science, the survey results show that Research in Motion (RIMM) BlackBerry users are more likely to abandon the brand than iPhone or Android users. When asked of the likelihood of buying a particular brand of cell phone or smartphone if the purchase was made the following day, 39% of BlackBerry owners said they "definitely or probably would" nab an iPhone. And roughly one-third of the participants claimed they'd snatch up an Android phone.

That's kinda prophetic. I'm a Blackberry user (Bold 9700), and while I do love the phone (finally, a 3G connection on T-Mobile!), I think I've outgrown it. About a month ago, I decided to really look at Nexus One. If it weren't for the silly contract on the phone service, I would have switched over to that. So while I didn't participate in this survey (no one called!), it reflects what I would have done.

If RIM doesn't get their act together, they might end up the same way all the big dinosaurs ended up simply by relying on their existing market share.
